
Sunday, March 28, 2010


I'm off to camp in about 10 minutes, so this is just to let you guys know that i'm not going to update this or my other blog till good friday... and i apologise if i miss it then, i don't know how busy i'll be with family etc then.

In the mean time, if you have Firefox for an internet browser check out the persona i made! Oreos - Heaven in a Biscuit

Hope you guys all have a fantastic time while i'm away slumming it in a resort! (sorry, not really slumming... just being super-duper excited cus i've never been to a resort before)

x Oreos

1 comment:

Why hello! Would you like to leave a message? I'm sure you would. Seriously. WRITE SOMETHING IN THE BOX! *smiles sweetly* Thank you!