
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Coolest Subjects Around

Heya all :)

I was listening to Hamish and Andy this morning, and one of the listeners who rang in was talking about her "natural disasters" class. That she takes in high school. Yup.

Needless to say i was extremely jealous, so i thought i'd come up with a few awesome subjects of my own, to be taught at my chocolate appreciation academy (now taking enrollments for semester 2 2010).

Oreos 101 - here you learn the 5 true ways to enjoy an oreo, discover how they were invented and discuss why they play such an important part in society today. Assessments include a demonstration of a new way to use Oreos in cooking

Literature Appreciation - in this subject students are encouraged to read at least 1 book every term. Books are chosen by the student, without the need for teacher's approval. A 20 minute examination that requiring students to give a brief overview of the book provides the student's mark.

Facebook for Dummies - for those just beginning their facebook journey, this course explains such things as the Wall, Facebook Chat and naming albums. Each student provides a facebook profile to be assessed at the end of the semester.

Have ideas for other awesome subjects? Leave their name and description in the comments :)


  1. I want to get a profile on facebook so I may have to get "facebook for dummies"! :D
    That doesn't mean that I am one! ;)
    Oh and you can totally sigh me up for Oreos 101! I want to learn your oreo ways...

    Wonderful post, Bec!

    Peace and hair grease,

  2. I'm gonna need that facebook class if my mama ever lets me get a facebook :)

    I love these classes!


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