
Thursday, April 22, 2010


Gummy very nicely tagged me with the "7 questions" thing (which i had thus far avoided), so here goes (simply cus i think the question is interesting):

7 things i'd change my name to if i could

Important thing to know before i start: My name is Bec (short for Rebecca) and there are 5 Bec's in my class of 130 at school. So yeah, individual it is not.

1) Oreos Awesomeness - it's my name on my email accounts anyway, so why not?
2) Sarah - my bestie's name, and people are always calling me that.
3) Elizabeth - aka Bennet
4) Laurie Holbrook - she was the girl in the book who was proposed to with oreos
5) Megan (pronounced meg-anne) - it's just awesome
6) Hannah - reversible :)
7) Reese - peanut butter cups (what more can i say?)

And seeing as people are getting a bit annoyed by tags now, i'm thinking instead of tagging anyone specific, just answer this question in the comments (if you want)...

What is the randomest nickname you have? (not based on your actual name)


  1. And mine is Precious. For some reason, on MSN my friend and i gave each other names that old ladies call little kids... and it stuck.

  2. PRECIOUS! I'M ON YOUR LIST! *huggles self* :)

  3. the weirdest nickname i've had (still do) is ratona. it means little mouse/rat in spanish.

    i'm glad my question was interesting enough. [:

    but be glad. i tagged sky three times.

  4. My sister calls me Smelliot.
    Just in case you wanted to know :P

  5. oh yeah. in my class of 155 there are 15 emily' my school there are about 25. it gets really confusing.

  6. my nickname in Thing 2 (from the cat in the hat) my little sister is Thing 1...for some reason she's 1 even though she's younger...

  7. Slightly better then what my mother calls us... there's 3 kids in our family, and we're 1, 2 and 3.

  8. @Amar: I get called Thing 3...and my brother just calls me 'hey you' o.O

    But probably 'rebel' is the weirdest nickname I have.

  9. Hmmmmm... I think ALL of my nicknames are based on my real name! But one of my friends calls me Laura-frog, and I have no idea where the frog came from. My other nicknames are Tiki Lolo, Laura Lu Hoo, and Lars. Oh, and muffins. I guess that's not name related... and whale buddy. I have more nicknames than I thought :)


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