
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's too late to apologise...

OK, ok, i'm sorry. I'm a terrible blogger!

Forgive me??

So, in other news...

Recently, i've become addicted to Gilmore Girls. Needless to say, this isn't helping the coffee addiction. Also, the awesome book i've been waiting on for 2 months i'm Still Waiting On. Yup. 2 months. It's ridiculous!

Back on track now..

Soo... i was wondering around the interwebz, and found this little quiz...

Itunes Shuffle Quiz

What's currently in your fridge? Relax, take it easy
Your biggest nightmare? mistaken identity
What place would you like to visit? another one bites the dust
A reason to commit suicide? million pieces
Why are we here? the stand
Something you never dared to say to anyone...? i see you
One thing the world really doesn't need? Holiday
What's your biggest unfulfilled wish? I'm going slightly mad
If you could invent something, what would it be? Art of Love
The last thing you say before you die? Bicycle Race
What's your destiny? Crazy Little Thing Called Love
What do you do when you're alone in an elevator? Polkarama!
How does hell look like? Bad Reputation
About what would you like to write a book? Jupiter (From the Planets)
The best thing ever is...? Sandy
Why did the chicken cross the road? Back 2 Good
Why do you listen to music? The Monkey's Uncle
What do you do when you're alone and nobody's watching? Say Cheese
Why are other people so stupid? Captain Jack
Last thing you ate? Sir Duke
Why is grass green? Love Stoned/I Think She Knows
Your phone is ringing, but who's on the other end? Disease
What should you stop doing? Grease

Unoriginal, yes, but some amusing results gained. Basically, just make sure your itunes is on shuffle and press next to get a new song for each question :)


  1. I had a book on reserve at my library. I was first on the list...but they gave it to some one else. and 3 people now have it reserved ahead of me D: I waited a couple of months for it. I now have to wait another month. D:

  2. haha Glad to see you back, Bec! You had to wait two months for the book?! That's insane! Woah...good luck to you, girl! Are you able to post the link to that quiz page? That sounds interesting!

    Welcome back, Bec!

    Peace and hair grease,

  3. That's interesting.. At first I didn't get it but now I do.. I'm slow :P


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