
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Goodness Graciousness!

Howdy all :)

it's been a month (almost... ok, so 3 weeks, but still) and i have yet to write something interesting here. I'm becoming a Bad Blogger. Now this probably has more to do with my stupid assignments then anything else (5 left and counting), and the exams i also have to endure (only 5 left, again) and the whole "I'm a senior i have no life" epidemic spreading through my grade, but still. I miss you guys.

And sadly i have no time to write anything truly interesting or exciting, that has absolutely nothing to do with school...

... but i can write something slightly interesting on a school related topic!

We're studying Pride and Prejudice at the moment (one of my all-time favourite novels/movies/mini-series... yes, i like the keira knightly *sorry about the spelling* movie AS WELL AS the book and mini-series. I see it as a stand alone version of the story... interesting, if not totally true to life) and the assignment is to write an article of a subject of the book. I'm doing the perfect man (aka mr Darcey) and what's more, school has APPROVED THIS! so i have 1000 words with which to gush about mr Darcey, complain about mr Wickham (and the waste of his attractiveness) and compare the two with Benjamin Barry (from How to lose a guy in 10 days). Suffice to say i think it will be the most enjoyable english assignment of my senior year.

And hence, i give you my list of perfect men (and some justifications):

The Doctor (most incarnations... except 7 and 8. They were just weird)
David Tennant (he's SCOTTISH!)
Hugh Jackman (hot)
Wolvereine (hot)
Mr Darcey (hello??? ALL PERFECT MEN ARE BASED ON HIM! and he's hot)
Colonel Fitzwilliam (darcy, but without the pride... and sadly the money)
Ryan Palmer (he's from the coffee series... well, ok the Lauren Holbrook series, but i renamed them. and he is THE PERFECT MAN! if i had to name just one, it would be him)
Booth (hot. and a nice guy. and funny. and awesome. and yeah, i'm waiting for the season finale to come out... thought it came out yesterday my time (but was wrong) and normally it comes out wednesdays in canada (and hence thursdays in aus) but cus it's the finale, it's coming out the same time in canada as in america... so friday night in aus :( poor little me...)
Patrick Dempsey (i admit, i'm superficial)
The guy from The Terminal (can't remember his name. the main character. Cus he's just so nice!)

Who've I missed off this list?? Add your faves in the comments

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Randomness ensues...

Not really.


I was thinking the other day, and realised I'm unique in many, many ways. One of these ways is the fact that I have THREE different twins! I have my actual, legitimate, related-by-blood twin. Then I have my real life "twin". And i have my (virtual) "e-twin".

My real twin... Well, he is both great and annoying. He does every subject i do except one, and over half of these we share a teacher for. So if I'm stuck on homework, or not understanding an assignment (or just forgot what the homework was) he can help. Unfortunately, he's also SUPER brainy. I'm smart (sounds like i'm upmyself, but i am relatively intelligent) but he is RIDICULOUSLY smart. As in topped every subject last year. And he's not that patient, so he gets frustrated with me if i don't see things automatically. And he always smiles. I mean always. From the moment he awakes to the moment he rests his head on a pillow, he SMILES. which is just ANNOYING! Trust me on this, people.

My real life "twin"... She is absolutely FABULOUS! One of my best friends (and to Dearest, who is reading this, you're a level about bestie), she is also a "real" twin (ie has a twin brother). Somewhere along the line, we decided we were each other's "real" twin. And then we introduced "twinlepathy" (telepathy between twins)... She and I have conversations where we're both just grunting. And we know what each other is saying. Maybe this happens because we both speak with our mouths full and hang around each other way too much (probably the case), but we like to blame it on twinlepathy.

My e-twin... Rebel is awesome. Check out her blog here. Somehow, in some SparkLife article, we became twins. I don't know who first called whom twin (probably Rebel), and i'm not even sure if it was directed at me (i probably intercepted it, and it was directed at someone else) but somehow we became twins. And have addressed each other as such ever since.

So that's me. Anyone else have any weird relationships??